

這是家裡附近的一座新橋KANDY-KATUGASTOTA Bridge ,自從我四月來到斯里蘭卡後,這裡真的一點點的在改變。變化,讓斯里蘭卡變的更好。開放的第一天,我也跟D一起去走了一趟,新橋跟舊橋真的差很多。舊橋比較窄,是一座黑色的鐵橋,只容雙向通過,兩旁有窄小的通道可讓行人通行;相較之下水泥搭的新橋很寬敞,雙向各有兩線道,中間有路燈,兩旁還有寬敞的人行道。恩~就是比較現代化的感覺,雖然是很平常的一座橋,但是比較之下就會讓人眼睛一亮,比較有都市的感覺了。開放之前因為在趕工,所以周遭就是一個亂字可以形容。現在新橋週遭的路重新整修,也感覺比較乾淨了,總統有來沒來真的差很多,哈哈!



Monday, July 27, 2009 - 07.15 GMT

New Katugastota Bridge opened


President Mahinda Rajapaksa opened the new Katugastota Bridge which connects Kandy town, Matale and Kurunegala, yesterday, July 26.

The new bridge, constructed at a cost of Rs.525million is 130 metres in length and 20 metres wide. It will be a timely solution to the problem of traffic congestion in the city of Kandy.

Work on the old Katugastota Bridge began on September 1, 1858. The bridge was of an iron lattice type with three sections, each of 140ft giving it a total span of 4200ft. It was opened after 1 1/2 years, on March 1, 1860.

However, due to heavy traffic the bridge had to be strengthened in 1905. After 30 years a second reconstruction became necessary which provided for strengthening of the piers and adding pedestrian walkways, but retained the original decking and carriageway.

President Rajapaksa started construction of the new Katugastota Bridge in June, 2005 when he held the portfolio of Ministry of Highways.

The President is paying a great attention for constructing of bridges with his concept of ‘Maga Neguma’ to develop infrastructure facilities in Sri Lanka. Constructions of the bridges in Arugambay, Kelaniya, Nugegoda, Bentota and Lathpandura have already been completed under the Maga Neguma program.

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